Sunday, March 15, 2009

Par for the course...

Olivia is still doing awesome! She's come down a bit more on her epinephrine drip and on her vent. There is a goal to get the Dopamine off by morning?!?
Zac and I both say that it is always so much harder to see her with all these tubes and lines when she hasn't had a heart surgery. Her record last year after her mitral valve replacement was 14 pumps. We are at 12 or 13, along with the vent, nitric oxide, a catheter, a central line, an arterial line, and a PICC line. She definitely doesn't mess around, huh? It will be nice when they start removing things one by one.
So, why the title of "par for the course," you ask? Brooklyn and I started out for Galesburg for a birthday party today. She just kept saying she was so tired and so cold. You guessed it - fever. So, after lots of tears, we turned around and went back to Grandpa and Grandma's for a nap. Luckily, after a nap and a bit of Tylenol, she was feeling much better. Hope you had a great party, Alaina!
My newest adventure...I'm going to try to learn to crochet. It seems like it would be a really good hospital hobby. Yesterday at "mommy conference," one of the vendors had the most adorable little crocheted beanie hats. They would be perfect for Olivia once she starts her chemo, so I thought it would be fun to give it a go. I'll keep you posted on the progress.
Thank you so much for the continued prayers. I love reading all the comments. Today there is even one from someone who said they found a link to our site from someone else that we don't even know. There are people all over the country praying for her and it means more than you know! So, continue to leave comments! We love knowing who you are and where you are from! It continues to amaze me and makes us feel so unbelievably blessed.


Nancy said...
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Nancy said...

Hey Julie -
Wanted you to know I am praying in Tennessee!
-Nancy Myer

Anonymous said...

It never ceases to amaze me how these kids just fight, fight, fight! I'm with you on the pumps and lines. Every time one is taken out is a cause for celebration :) Yea for the baby steps in the right direction! Go Livvy!

Craig and Amy said...

Hi Julie,

I met you a couple of times while my son was in the PICU for his heart surgeries. I was talking to Robert & Lindsey Chatterton tonight and they told me all the news on Olivia. Wow - you are an amazing mother. I thought I was exhausted after my son was admitted just 5 times in a year, I can't imagine how exhausted you must feel. I am praying for Olivia and for you and Zac.

Amy Orwig

Anonymous said...

Hey Julie,
Just wanted you to know my girlfriend (Julie:) has her church's prayer team praying for you guys.So there is now a whole bunch more people in Mundelein praying for you. Keep strong.

Then Annos

Emily said...

Praying in Dallas-

Anonymous said...

Praying every day for Olivia and for Julie. --Bee Holland

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything is stabilized. Knowing Livvy, all the pumps will go away just as fast as they came, right Livvy? You also have prayers coming from my sister's church in Texas. Hopefully you can get outside for a few minutes to enjoy this beautiful day. Kay