Monday, May 11, 2009

Big day...

Olivia is doing awesome. She's been so much more alert today. She even got a little bath this morning and handled it with ease. The goal is to get down on some of her sedation medications and her blood pressure medication. So, all is well with Olivia!
The big news...we are putting a bid in on a house this afternoon. No, we haven't sold our house in Macomb. We've just decided that we may as well go into as much debt as possible and own, not one, but two houses! We are just praying that our Macomb house sells quickly.
I'm going to sign the official "bid papers" this afternoon, and we'll see what happens from there! Good thoughts and prayers...
Keep you posted!


Anonymous said...

Praying that you will be taking Olivia home soon to a new home.I love the pictures of her!

Anonymous said...

Good news all the way around today! Thoughts and prayers are with you all.