Thursday, November 15, 2007

A long week...

I feel like this week is never going to end. I am going on a bus trip with my sister on Saturday to do some shopping in Chicago. This will be the most adult interaction I have had in a long time and I can't wait! I'm leaving the two big kids with Zac and taking Olivia to my parents house. It never fails. When there is something to look forward to, it takes forever to get here.

So, as I was talking to my mom on the phone for a whole 10 minutes, here is what my children were doing:
Jack spilled half a jar of applesauce on the tablecloth and proceeded to lick it off. He went to change his shirt.
Jack decided his applesauce that made it in the bowl needed some extra sweetness. He climbed up on the counter to get the sugar. We are out of sugar so he opted for powdered sugar (which he thought was flour).
Jack and Brooklyn covered themselves with "flour" because they wanted to look like snowmen.
Brooklyn thought the "flour" tasted great. Jack was totally grossed out by this.
They both had to change shirts.
Zac wonders why I have so much trouble keeping up on the laundry. We'd only been home from school for 15 minutes at the most and went through 3 shirts. As I type this, Jack is running around the living room squirting a spray bottle of water saying it's raining in here. Nice.

One of my favorite things about people with Down syndrome is their eyes. Aren't they amazing. Just wanted to share.

We were having a fun afternoon so I thought I would take some pictures of the girls playing.

Then, Brooklyn decided she didn't want her picture taken anymore. How can a 3 year old be so moody. The teen years are going to be very interesting!


Judy said...

Do you think that bus could swing by PA and pick me up too?? I could use a little adult interaction myself and shopping in Chicago sounds like so much fun. You deserve it!!
The sugar everywhere is classic. I love it. The picture is hilarious. For some reason my little troop hasn't thought of that one yet, but I'm sure it will eventually happen! Currently we only like to throw our mac & cheese all over the kitchen!

K & J said...

Too funny. That hour after school is a zoo at our house too.

Enjoy your shopping trip!