Saturday, March 1, 2008

Roly Poly...

Olivia had a great night. She is holding her own and has made a little progress. They have tried to work with her ventilator settings with little success, but we'll get there. They turned off her paralytic this morning, but she tried to roll out of bed! Needless to say, it's been turned back on. They have weaned some of her sedation, though. She has also been able to keep her fever down without the use of Tylenol or Motrin! You go, Olivia! Slowly but surely, we're making baby steps. So far, all of the tests that have come back are negative for infection. This is good, but would be nice to find a source to all of this. I'm taking pictures of all of her medicines and ventilator stuff so you have an idea as to what all she is hooked up to. I won't post any pictures of her yet. It's a little too PG-13 to do that! We'll wait until we can see her smiles!
On a lighter note -
I was very concerned about Brooklyn yesterday. I didn't know what she saw, heard, etc... I was off with 911 and Zac got home (beat the ambulance - nice.) Anyway, he wisked her off to the neighbor's (who just happened to be pulling in her driveway at the time) in her p.j.'s and no socks or shoes. The ambulance and firetruck were screaming down the street, sirens, lights, and all. She didn't hear or see a thing. Do you think we should be worried about our future? She is something else. If you don't know Brooklyn, this is a classic example of her sweet, little, ditzy personality, which we love to death!
The big kids are here now, so we are spending time with them. We love to watch your prayers be answered, so keep up the good work. Also, we love to read all the comments, so if you want to leave one, just click on the "anonymous" button and it will let you post that way. Just be sure to sign your name at the end so we know who you are! Thanks! We'll keep you posted!


Millicent said...

We are friends with Judy and she asked for prayer for you guys---we're definitely doing that! Stay Strong!

Amy said...

Judy told me about Olivia and I just want you to know that I am praying faithfully for her and for your family! Your hope and faith are such an amazing testimony - and I am blessed just hearing about all the miracles that Jesus has done for your precious little girl! We will keep asking, and He will keep doing miracles!

With love and prayers!
Judy's sister, Amy

Judy said...

Julie...I just thought I would mention that if you want people without a blogger account to be able to comment you need to change your setting so anonymous comments can be left. Just sign in to your account, go to CUSTOMIZE, then SETTINGS, then COMMENTS. Unfortunately you have no control over who leaves a comment, but so far I haven't had any issues with having my comments set up this way. I love getting comments (and knowing who is checking my blog) and it encourages people to leave comments if they don't have to set up an account.
Okay...enough of the technical stuff. It's not like you have time to deal with any of this right now anyway!!

Judy said...

I'm so glad sweet little Brooklyn was oblivious to everything that was going on!! I'm sure she thought it was fun to go to the neighbors house in her pjs.
So glad to hear that Olivia is improving! Hopefully she'll rebound quickly so you don't have to change any of your upcoming vacation plans. If Olivia truly understood that she was going to get to go to Disney, I'm sure she would fight even harder to get better :) We're thinking about Jack and Brooklyn too! I'm sure it's hard for them to have their world turned upside down, but thankfully they've been blessed with great grandparents who can turn these tough times into something fun!