Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lazy Sunday afternoons

It's about 6:30 in the evening and I've just stepped foot into Olivia's room. I took the morning off to spend time with the kids (and get a little nap in). My mom did the morning shift, Zac did the afternoon shift, and Grandpa and Grandma C. stayed into the early evening while Zac, Jack, and I went out for Chinese (Shhh...don't tell Brooklyn). Now the boys are heading home and Brooklyn and I will hang out for another night.
Anyway, Olivia is doing fine. Still just hanging out. They put an NG tube back in through her nose. She had some sort of air bubble somewhere, so this will help get rid of extra air. She is also getting blood again. Her hemoglobin dropped again so this should bump her back up for a while. Her vent settings have been weaned down a little bit, but they shouldn't be trying to get her extubated prior to surgery now. That would be silly. So, tomorrow is Monday. The doctors have their cath conference and should have a better idea about surgery. We are still planning on Wednesday, so we'll hope the doctors are too!